
David has a PhD in medicinal chemistry, so he has developped quite a few skills in scientific research. He knows his stuff and how to read and determine good research. Here is a decent low down on floating:

A summary of the research on floating

Some of the benefits of floating have been verified by the following scientific protocols. This is a summary made by a neuroscience researcher, Dr. Peter Suedfeld, on what we know, what we think we know and what we don’t know.


What we know: (several sustantial studies have been completed)

  • Reduces stress (Fine & Turner, 1983, 1985, Tuner and al 1987, Jacobs and al, 1985, Suedfeld et al. 1985, Schultz & Kaspar 1984, Koula et al. 1987 & others, Norlander et al. 1999, Kjellgren and 2001 al & others…)

  • Reduces physical tension and pain (Tuner & Fine 1984, Wallbaum et al. 1982, Mereday et al. 1990, 1993 Borrie, Jessen 1993, Kjellgren et al, 2001, Bood et al. 2005, Landstrom et al. 2007, Edelbol et al, 2008)

  • Improves muscle tone (Francis & Stanley, 1983, Mereday et al, 1990, Turner et al, 1993, Sniffen and al 1990, Borrie et al, 1993, Deturk et al, 1990, Aparecida and al, 2015)

  • Facilitates the return to work after an episode of burnout (Cahn, 1983, Asenlof, 2007, Bood, 2006)

  • Is a tool for relaxation and stress management (Jacob et al, 1985, Koula and al, 1987, Turner et al. 1987, Aparecida and al 2015, Bood et al. 2006)

  • Reduces blood pressure (Fine & Turner, 1982, 1985, Turner and al, 1987, 1989, But Schulz & Kaspar, 1984)

  • Reduces stress hormones (Fine & Turner, 1982, 1985, Turner and al, 1987, 1989, But Schulz & Kaspar, 1984)

  • REST (restricted environment technical stimulation) float is not a placebo (Bood and al, 2005, Kjellgren and al 2009, & others)

  • Improves creativity and originality (Baker, 1985, Forgays, 1992, Suedfeld et al. 1987, Norlander et al. 1998, Vartanian & Suedfeld 2011)

  • Improves athletic performance (Mahoney, 1985, Lee & Hewitt 1987, McAlaney et al. 1990, Suedfeld & Bruno, 1990, Wagaman et al, 1991, Barabasz, 1992, McAleney et al, 1990, Norlander et al. 1999)

  • Improves learning (Taylor, 1985, Francis, 1985, Mahoney, 1990, Sandlund et al 2001)

What we think we know: (studies underway but not enough data collected yet)

  • Relieves pain related to fibromyalgia (Asenlof et al 2007)

  • Is useful for hyperactive people (Forgays, 1994, Goldstein & Jessen, 1990, Barabasz, 1993, Edebol et al, 2009)

  • Facilitates the meditative/hypnotic state (Lilly, 1977, Hunt 1985, Barabasz 1993, Norlander et al. 2001, Kjellgren and al 2008, 2010 & others)

  • Relieves physical discomfort associated with pregnancy

  • Improves mood (O’leary & Hilbronner, 1985, Rank & Suedfeld, 1978, Barabasz et al. 1993, Pudvah & Rzemnicki, 1990, Suedfeldd & Eich, 1996)

What we don’t know:

  • What makes floating effective (Epsom Salt? Sensation of weightlessness? The water? Being in a small space?)

  • The optimal conditions (number of session, duration of sessions…)

And finally:

There’s a lot of unexplored things and we want you to participate and find out more.