Qualified Acupuncture Practitioner
A qualified and nationally recognised acupuncture practitioner, David has been helping people on their journeys towards health since 2000, using acupuncture and manual therapies. Originally from France, he completed a PhD in the UK and worked as a scientist in Cancer Research in the UK and Australia before studying natural therapies in Asia and Australia. David has developed highly successful practices in both Australia and abroad.
“My experience of both western and eastern perspectives enables me to provide you with the best of both worlds.”
David assists with muscular-skeletal issues, women’s health, chronic disease support, children’s conditions & facial acupuncture.
Qualified Remedial Massage Therapist
Rebecca has been treating people with massage therapy since 2004. She holds a Diploma in Remedial Massage but attributes her palpation skills to the invaluable time spent living, training and receiving massage in Thailand, where massage is a part of daily life. Rebecca holds a degree in Psychology and undertook graduate studies in Gestalt Therapy. Combined with her previous work in various human services roles, she brings sensitivity to her work.
By appointment only. Wynnum West. Ph. 0491104851