Acupuncture Brisbane
Experience in Japanese, Chinese and Western acupuncture since 2008.
We offer:
- Regular acupuncture – see below for more details
- Cosmetic acupuncture
- Shonishin – acupuncture for Children
- Acupuncture treatment can help with a range of symptoms including pain, stress and fatigue associated with:
- Sporting injuries – symptoms might include muscular tension, mobility issues, and inflammation such as bursitis.
- Chronic conditions – symptoms might include back pain and sciatica, and neck and shoulders pain.
- Women’s health
- Menstruation: Acupuncture might be of help for the management of period pain associated with menstruation.
- Fertility: There is continuing research about how acupuncture can assist fertility as part of IVF treatment. You should consult your treating practitioner/s about how acupuncture may be able to help you.
- Pregnancy: Acupuncture might be of help for the management of pregnancy related musculo-skeletal pains, and nausea and vomiting.
- Menopause: Acupuncture might be of help for the management of hot flashes, stress and anxiety, and fatigue associated with menopause.

Acupuncture is concerned with the regulation of the energetic circuitry of the body. A qualified acupuncture practionner is able to balance energetic dis-harmonies, release blockages and affect all levels of being i.e. the musculo-skeletal, physiological and psycho-emotional levels.
We use very fine needles and refined techniques to provide the most effective and gentle treatment. Our treatments are perfectly suited to all, even if you don’t like “needles”.
For children we use tools that do not pierce the skin and provide effective treatments without trauma.
The use of heat at selected acupuncture points achieves a totally nurturing and balancing treatment. Cupping is also used when therapeutically beneficial.
By appointment only. Wynnum West. Ph. 0491104851